10 things you didn't know you can recycle

These days with all the containers that exist for recycling, it is sometimes a bit difficult to know where to put each waste and we simply throw away anything that we are not sure of in the container not indicated.

When we think of recycling, we think of paper, cans and plastic. But there are so many things that we can recycle. Not all things we don't use have to end up in a landfill.

Here is a list of 10 things that you would not have realized that you could recycle. Give it a try and give a hand to others and the environment.


Computers and other electronic devices make up a large part of the waste in today's world, technology advances so fast that we replace our equipment faster than normal.

It is important to dispose of this type of waste properly, because the computers contain a lot of materials that are considered hazardous waste, such as lead.

You can return the electronic devices to the manufacturer, take them to a suitable landfill or, if they still work well, donate them to a charity.

Mobile phones

Old mobile phones that are in good working condition, can be recycled in different ways, you can give it to a friend or relative, donate them to charity or take them to a collection center. This way we can get rid of that drawer full of devices that we don't use.

Sometimes phone manufacturers accept old phones for recycling, and there are plans where you can get money depending on the brand and model of the phone. Remember to take them with all their cables and chargers.


Batteries are hazardous waste, so they should always be recycled. Rechargeable batteries must be returned to the manufacturer or to a suitable disposal site, as they contain toxic metals. Choose rechargeable batteries whenever possible, because they can be recharged hundreds of times and therefore produce less waste.

Motor oil

In Scotland and Northern Ireland, where oil is widely used to feed power generators, a campaign has been launched to help people recycle and dispose of their oil safely. If motor oil is not recycled correctly, this is bad news for the environment.


Paint can be very toxic to the environment, so it must be disposed of properly. Paint should never be poured down a drain. If you have paint that you do not need, you can give it to your friends or family, especially if it is a widely used color such as magnolia or shades of white, you can also donate paint to low-income people who cannot easily acquire paint.

Inkjet cartridges

Millions of people own a computer and most of them have printers. If we take into account that the average domestic user consumes 2 to 3 cartridges per year, we can realize the quantity of cartridges that are discarded per year, not to mention that the offices consume many more.

The cartridges are made of a material that can take 1000 years to degrade, so they should not be disposed of in a common landfill, we must recycle the cartridges properly taking them to the manufacturer or to a suitable waste site, but not only that, Cartridges made of recycled cartridge components are often cheaper, so it is more friendly with our pocket.


Suddenly our closets are full of things we do not want, which is why we can recycle our clothes, both at home and at local recycling banks. If the clothes can still be worn, donate them to a charity store or to a charity market. If not, you can reuse them as household rags or fabric for cushions or comforters.


If your shoes look old, worn and dirty, you can recycle them at a designated shoe recycling station, provided by most local town halls. Charity shops accept clean shoes and in good condition.


If your bike is no longer working, it can be recycled as scrap instead of being thrown away. A bicycle that simply needs a little tender and loving care can be renewed by a second-hand bicycle shop or, if you feel at hand, you can do it yourself and donate it to someone who needs it.

Christmas trees

Many municipal garbage dumps crush Christmas trees to turn them into wood chips with which they cover the floor of local parks. There are many ingenious ways you can do with the materials of your synthetic Christmas tree, you can take a look at the internet to see how to create from pillow stuffing to decorations for your home.

So, before throwing something, think about it. Can it be recycled, reused or donated? Remember that "One man's trash is another's treasure."

Andrea Leal

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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