20 benefits of IT Service Management (Part 2)

Continuing with our theme 20 benefits of IT Service Management, we show you the following points to know.

11. Improve access and communication channels

IT organizations that adopt ITSM can improve access to IT operators and support, as well as communication between the IT organization and the business. This is achieved by establishing an IT service desk that acts as a single point of contact between the company and the IT organization and supports processes such as incident management, event management and request fulfillment. The IT service desk ensures that all users can access IT support through the appropriate channel.

12. Allow more effective planning

IT service management helps organizations participate in more effective planning activities with a variety of positive consequences. Without a structured approach to IT service management, IT organizations are more likely to make bad strategic decisions that lead to avoidable waste. ITSM best practices, such as establishing a service strategy with input from customer stakeholders or implementing a process of review and approval of changes, help ensure that the IT organization plans effectively before taking measurements.

13. Reduce unnecessary workload

Automation is a main focus of IT organizations that want to eliminate the tedious manual labor and human error that often entails. However, to use automation effectively, IT organizations must start managing their IT services using ITSM software. ITSM tools allow the transition between the management of a process through human activity and the management of a process through automated activities, resulting in a decrease in workloads for IT operators and more time available to dedicate it to innovation and added value activities.

14. Achieve a better ROI in the investment of the corporate ITSM solution

Some organizations invest in ITSM software only to discover that they recently do to improve the performance of their IT organization. These organizations often abandon their ITSM tool before measuring ROI, which is probably negative.

If your organization has already invested in a corporate ITSM solution, you can improve your ROI by focusing on the people and processes that support your ITSM initiatives.

15. Save valuable time

The best example of an ITIL process that saves time is knowledge management, which aims to reduce or eliminate the need for the company to rediscover the information you have already learned. With an effective knowledge management process, the IT organization maintains a knowledge base that supports the effective exchange of information between all areas of the company.

The result is a huge time saver, as IT organizations expedite the exchange of information and spend less time rediscovering information and seeking answers to known problems.

16. Save money to the business

IT service management saves the company money in hundreds of different ways. From the knowledge management process that saves time by supporting the exchange of information (time is money, after all) to information security processes that protect the company from the negative financial and legal consequences of a violation of data, ITSM best practices are designed to generate cost savings and risk mitigation.

17. Improves collaboration between different business functions

If we define business functions as all the activities carried out by the business, it is easy to see how the implementation of ITSM policies and processes can help the IT department to collaborate with other functions more effectively. The IT department works with finance to optimize the deployment of IT investments. Facility administrators can collaborate with IT administrators to ensure compliance with information security protocols.

18. Manage change more efficiently

The ability to adjust the approval process according to the nature of the change is a way in which ITSM processes help IT organizations manage change more efficiently.

ITSM offers a framework for change management that ensures that resources are allocated efficiently during the change management process.

19. Better transparency in IT processes and services

IT service management supports this transparency by establishing service catalogs that contain a complete list of services that the IT organization offers to customers. This catalog helps ensure that customers make the most of the services that IT can provide.

20. Higher return on IT investments

IT organizations that adopt ITSM can choose to establish a Configuration Management Database (CMDB) to better track the presence and use of IT assets. This database is used to ensure that IT investments are implemented in a productive capacity and to maximize uptime and the availability of IT assets. A formal process for the disposal of IT assets helps ensure that organizations get the most money in exchange for their used IT infrastructure.

Andrea Leal

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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