A hope against COVID

The coronavirus among us has become a serious problem to the society, but the worst part is that the number of deaths has been increasing in a huge manner. In May, the number of deaths in the US was near 100,000. This number is what caused this to be escalated to a pandemic worldwide. The number of deaths cannot compare to the number of people that are being treated in a medical center nationwide. With, there a ton of people not working, causing a huge impact to the country’s economy.

While the coronavirus continues to hit the economy and the medical sector, America finally has a positive new. This is thanks to the amazing technological advances. At this moment, the attention is drawn to Texas Children’s Hospital located in Houston. This hospital is important to our country because it represents the largest pediatric center all around the country. Myra Davis attempts to promote new ideas for leveraging technology, which would the making of significant changes in the business.

The medical sector represents an important part of our community. Months ago, when the coronavirus started spreading, many workers have started working from home and unfortunately led to many patients taken to the hospital because they were infected by COVID-19. The greatest delay was trying to have all paperwork filled out to treat a patient, but tech tools solved this issue by implementing a new platform where each patient could register online in order to receive an appointment. The Hospital’s IT equipment has developed “Configo Health”, which attempts to create a big repository of patients’ data mixed with selected analytical tools that will be helping doctors know if the patient presents another disease or is going through treatment. This process gives the doctor a better idea if a patient needs to be hospitalized.

It is amazing to see how our community contributes through finding a solution to the problems that could emerge in a near future; and it is during these hard times when we appreciate how amazing our country is.

Melannie Cruz

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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