Back in Time to the First Computers

Today we will take a moment to appreciate how far technology has brought us. If we go back in time, computers were not something that was a “must” to own. In contrast, nowadays owning a computer is a must, no matter if it is for the job, school, or personal purpose but your computer is an important tool.

The term “computer” was first used by Richard Braithwait in 1613. Its original meaning was a human who performed calculations. After the industrial revolution, this definition was designated for machines instead of humans with the same purpose of calculating.

ABC computer was developed in 1942. It was an electrical computer, but it was unable to be programmable because it had no CPU. Three years later, in the same US, ENIAC was created. It occupied 1,800 square feet and its weight was around 50 tons. Many people consider ENIAC the first computer because, in contrast to ABC, it was fully functional. It was created on a Valentines' day, so if you are a tech lover, for sure the next Valentine you will remember the development of the first computer instead of your girlfriend’s gift.

In 1946 the same team that created ENIAC, founded Electronic Controls Company to release a series of mainframe computers. Years later, many experts started with the development of its own computers’ models. It was until 1950 when the first commercial computer was sold named the “Z4”. Three years later, the tech giant IBM launched a commercial scientific computer and its name was 701.

Could you imagine how big and heavy the first computers were? It took 74 years to turn that big and heavy ENIAC computer into a tiny laptop. Also talking about brands and prices, there are many choices of computers, so you can choose the one that adapts to your needs and budget.

Melannie Cruz

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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