Basic Tips for computer security inside your company

Archive or delete unnecessary data.

Deleting old data or files from all devices minimizes the amount of information available to a hacker, as well as keeping the information organized to access it faster. Make sure that when you transfer your data from your device to a disk or computer, it is encrypted, mainly bank data, invoices, medical records and other documents of a sensitive nature, so that you have the protection of them.

Regularly monitor the activity of your accounts.

Remember that, if it looks or seems suspicious, it almost always is, with this principle we must regularly verify our accounts, if you notice something different or unusual, you must immediately notify the IT department to monitor the account regularly and thus be able to quickly identify possible breaches or non-legitimate access.

Privacy settings.

It is an essential point to have all appropriate security and privacy settings implemented and updated, to avoid spilling information and not allowing other companies or individuals to access personal or business information with ease.

Learn to recognize and avoid phishing attacks.

A common phishing attack that many hackers use, are all those emails that arrive in your tray every day.

They seem to be harmless at first sight and could come from a reliable source, such as your bank for example, but once you click on one of the links within these emails, they direct us to a fake website, where we usually They ask to fill out or complete forms with our private data, such as full names, credit card number or some access password.

Learning to identify these types of attacks within your company will prevent your employees from suffering an unpleasant moment and in the same way can compromise the security of the same company. Be sure to ask yourself if you even requested this type of message and check its relevance.

Free Wi-Fi networks without protection.

Today, the practice of BYOD is very common in companies, which is very favorable for some companies that do not have the necessary capital or for others that seek to eliminate costs in the purchase of IT equipment.

However, the applications used by employees to access the company's network can have many vulnerabilities and even more so if they are connected to an unprotected network. Free Wi-Fi is definitely something excellent if we want to save some Gigabytes while we are in a mall, on vacation or just drinking coffee.

But some of what we are not aware of, are the associated risks in these networks, mainly if they are high traffic networks, since since they do not have protection because they are free, the information we send and receive through this network is open to general public, a delight for hackers, who are looking for available victims.

If we are connected to one of these networks, we must ensure that the revenues to the sites or applications that you visit from your mobile devices have the secure version of HTTP enabled (HTTPS).

Now ... These are just some tips that can help you have better security within your company using your electronic devices, share them with your coworkers so that using these good practices they can have a better way of working and that to in turn, everyone are safe.

Andrea Leal

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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