Benefits of IoT in the business sectors

The "Internet of Things" (IoT) appropriates more and more of the world around us, since in our day to day, we have technological devices that connect to the Internet through wireless networks and that are of daily use.

With the IoT, companies can know much better the performance of their clients, their interests and their problems, due to the information provided by these devices. With this amount of information we can create the most personalized services or products for each client.

Thanks to the IoT we can establish a good relationship with our distributors and suppliers and avoid running out of stock. The sensors can warn us when a product is about to run out and in this way we can have a quick and early replacement.

What are the benefits provided by the Internet of Things?

Any sector benefits from the Internet of Things:

Control of Infrastructures: Absolute control of roads and their elements, such as traffic lights, level crossings, radars, and many other security systems. The immediate response in emergencies, road assistance and improvement of the survival of the individual, management of savings and costs in buildings.

Environmental control: It allows access from practically any place where you are to the information of atmospheric, meteorological, and seismic sensors.

Industry: Programming and optimization of production chains, automation of repair and maintenance activities, remote control and centralized process management. Rapid response to product demands.

Energy: Remote monitoring of energy consumption, optimization of energy consumption of connected devices, detection alerts, connected light bulbs, phase shift and action, optimization of the process.

Medicine and Health: Systems that allow health personnel to actively monitor patients in an ambulatory and non-invasive way, to create emergency notification systems, viewing operational data in real time.

Logistics and Transportation: Vehicle tracking, cargo control, optimization of transportation systems that include the vehicle, driver and infrastructure. Smart traffic control, parking search.

Entertainment: Virtual reality, control from different devices, continuous and personalized variation depending on the behavior of the user.

The era of the Smart Factory is a fact and the optimization of the manufacturing processes and autonomous logistics of our company will soon be done globally.

Andrea Leal

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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