Benefits of using the appropriate digital asset management software

Each organization has different digital assets and different creative processes. Therefore, each organization has different requirements for managing digital assets.

It is important to think about how your current processes are ineffective and where you are experiencing challenges. Talk to several departments and see what they think. You could even pass an online form and ask people to complete it.

If your files are poorly organized, it will take much longer to find the files you need and, therefore, it will take longer to create your marketing emails.

In this scenario, you may need an asset manager to help you organize the images of your products in a more efficient way.


Deciding how to organize your assets is a big step in the implementation of your digital asset management software. Therefore, it is important to spend time developing a consistent taxonomy for your assets.

Digital asset management software can be complex and, therefore, it is very important to educate users on how to use their system. The level of education required will depend on its users.

Whether in the online store or on the websites of companies: if the success of your company depends on good media management, there are some reasons to use efficient and economical digital asset management software.

Here we leave you 3 advantages of an appropriate digital asset management software

1 - Shortening the time to market.

Well-organized digital asset management shortens the extremely high marketing time, since the necessary processes can be made much more efficient.

Especially in international companies, rapid action in current situations is essential. Campaigns and product launches should be a timely landing, since delays can bring large financial losses.

2 - Brand Consistency

By having the same data available to all teams in digital asset management software, companies can control the correct use of brands. Well-organized digital asset management ensures that all users always know what formats they can use when and where. This saves questions and clarifications that require a lot of time.

3 - Legal security.

A DAM system allows the legally compatible use of the media. With the central control of media management, you always have an overview of your data. Therefore, teams cannot use images without the necessary licenses, obsolete or unapproved graphics. With new licensing conditions or new images, media can be exchanged in real time or information can be added so that all computers have access to updated data at all times.

Andrea Leal

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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