Benefits that companies look for when moving to the cloud

The digital transformation of companies is the huge change they must face to optimize and improve processes using technology such as chatbots, AI and machine learning.

This path towards the digital transformation of companies implies modifications in a work rhythm and in the functions of all employees that can bring us great benefits if we know how to make the transition properly.

All companies that adopt a cloud service must be clear that it is the first strategy to achieve global digitalization and not just a common work tool.

In recent years there has been a growing tendency to move to the cloud and create better experiences for all customers, despite the challenge of innovating at high speed.

Among the benefits that your company can obtain when “uploading” to the cloud is the speed to carry out the decision making process due to the information placed on a wave platform that through apps can throw suggestions for the use of Artificial Intelligence ( AI).

The AI can work independently since, from a report or request that is integrated into the app, the algorithm searches the history for existing or previous data or requests similar to the one that has just entered the system and thus throws possible solutions to The requested request.

The use of this type of services reduces incidents up to 60% and makes it possible for companies to solve up to 50% of communication problems with their customers, through automated responses and self-service by chatbots.

Another of the great benefits offered by moving to the cloud, is that any of our employees, customers or suppliers can access what they need regardless of where they are in the world.

The administration of all employees in different parts of the country makes administrative chaos very simple to manage, with these simple digital tools.

The cloud can also help us to standardize our processes inside and outside the company, since the access granted to each user can make their work easier.

There are studies that within companies that have already moved to the cloud and have used this type of digital tools, have decreased requests and complaints through emails and communication with their customers has become more efficient and constant, that greatly reduces the average number of hours taken to solve problems, almost twice as fast as usual.

Chatbots are currently one of its most demanded services and one of the companies that invest more resources because it offers a friendly and effective way to solve common tasks, due to the ease with which it can be implemented on a web page and in an app mobile.

Andrea Leal

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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