Best Asset Recovery and Disposal Practices of IT Assets

All computers, storage systems, servers, tablets, smartphones or other IT assets removed can lead to data security risks and environmental threats, the implementation of a solid IT asset management system is extremely important for all organizations

All IT asset management programs must offset all risks and problems related to IT waste or electronic waste in a planned and strategic manner. The most important and valuable practices should include the following factors.

Asset optimization

This asset optimization is the process that improves business operations by recognizing, preparing and implementing initiatives that generate a potential value of the assets we currently have.

IT asset tracking

This is done by scanning barcode labels attached to the assets to track their location.

Therefore, for this process to work, a systematic solution must be adopted that automatically discovers the hardware, software and network assets located throughout the company.

Data security

It is simply protecting important company data to prevent it from falling into the hands of third parties and misusing them, such as account information, customer data, security passwords, etc.

The data security course must comply with all the legislative compliance procedures established by the Government. Suppliers must ensure proper documentation and control throughout the asset recovery service.

The destruction of data can be based on software or manual. Both plans must ensure the correct destruction, blocking and disinfection during the withdrawal of the disposal process.

Asset Withdrawal

One strategy that every company should have is the disposal or removal of assets. Identify the fair value of your tangible and old assets so that your balance sheets are accurate.

An adequate budget and an out-of-use asset management procedure is essential to design this asset withdrawal process.

In this way we will decide the best time for retirement and disposal.

Asset disposal

The disposal of IT assets is the business of disposing of obsolete equipment in an innocuous and ecologically responsible manner. The destruction of the data stored in such assets, needs to be very careful due to its sensitivity.

It is also important to keep in mind if there is data that really needs protection or not to secure or dispose of the assets so that they are not recoverable, such as the physical destruction of the assets for greater security.

Outsourcing for IT asset management

The complexities of IT asset management are high and require careful monitoring to reserve core business resources, so it is necessary to select a qualified provider to ensure proper work.

Continuous operations without problems are only possible through a long-term partnership with an expert and responsible supplier.

Andrea Leal

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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