BOTNET, the social network you need to be happy!

BOTNET is only a simulation app, where the followers of each user are nothing other than bots.

A new application, called “Botnet” offers the opportunity to live in a world where millions of 'people' adore you. There is only one drawback: the user is the only real person and all his followers are simple 'bots'.

"Botnet is a social media simulator where you are the only human with a million bots that are obsessed with you" announces the application's website.

Billy Chasen (Botnet designer), said that the project was born with the idea of creating 'bots' that make people feel good; since it always relates to 'bots' with a negative aspect in digital world.

“This began in the manner of a fun mental experiment on how we can use 'bots' for good, considering all negative uses lately”, said Billy Chasen.

What will happen if there are always people with whom you can talk and share opinions? Perhaps, the world would feel less alone even if it is simulated.

Botnet can be downloaded for free, but its additional functions, such as 'Troll bots' or 'Dad bot', with jokes, must be purchased for $ 0.99.

When you download the application, you enter a fantasy world where you are the most popular user, and the only one that is not a bot within a social network.

It is a combination of the three major social networks: the design of Facebook, the Instagram commenting system and the anarchy of Twitter.

While it feels real enough when you post something about your cat or the weather, Botnet's views on politics are disconcerting, although they could go through anyone on Twitter.

The company said it uses GPT-2, an algorithm created by OpenAI, and trained it with "millions of comments from the Internet. Everything they write is original and based on training," Chasen said.

Andrea Leal

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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