Complete your home security system

We all agree that nowadays the most important thing is the security. Many people adopt security cameras to their homes in order to record every movement. It keeps an eye on our lives and are very helpful in case of a robbery or also detecting unusual movements to prevent criminal activity that may danger our family.

While choosing your home security system, you must be very careful because not every system is complete enough to give us the protection that our family needs. Innovation leads new systems to be more efficient, making security cameras able to combine recording and video storing with advanced smart home technology, which can even ID the robber. Also, many devices send you notifications to your mobile which allow you to have time to call the police in case of a robbery.

Technology improvements always make our life easier, and in this case safer; while choosing your device, you must first look on the following features:

  1. Motion detector, environmental monitoring, and its resolution.
  2. Night vision which is a basic feature but not all the devices include it.
  3. Facial recognition is an advanced feature that may increase the price.
  4. Backup battery life and cloud storage.

Cameras are the best way to keep an eye on your home, but you must be careful while choosing it because each system has its pros and cons. Some are more expensive than others. When it comes to protection, choosing a good camera is a good option to improve our home and family security.

It is also important to consider that hackers could be breaking into home security cameras. It’s important to consider improving your cam security while doing the following things:

1. Set up motion detection - in order to get alerted when something comes to your door or an animal runs through your yard

2. Go with most known brand - Large manufacturers with household names are held to higher scrutiny than a "no-name company”, improving their devices’ security and efficiency because they have any time in the business and they want to continue attracting clients under the firm’s name.

3. Secure your accounts - to protect your account you can add two-factor authentication which means logging in twice to get in your account, using complex passwords, avoiding usernames or dates which may be easier to figure them out, many security experts recommend the usage of upper and lower case letters, numbers and symbols. In some devices when it detects irregular activity on the account it sends you a notification to your email or phone.

4. Update your devices - regularly every few months you should look if your surveillance camera has an available update, bu6t do not worry, you update your devices manually. There’s a risk if you do not update your device because your old software became insecure.

Melannie Cruz

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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