Denver Broncos Implemented UV light

The Heath sector provides its recommendations to prevent the spread of COVID-19, but being honest, no one has a real solution to stop the ongoing pandemic.

With the pandemic beginning to expand its way during the first months of the year, all sporting events were eventually cancelled. We all miss watching our favorites sports games at the stadium. Some stadiums previously re-opened their doors to the public, but they are not at full capacity because it would not be safe enough. But what about the players' safety?

Since the pandemic appeared, all the 32 teams in the NFL were required to elaborate and perform a contingency plan. This proposal must outline protocols of social distancing, wearing masks, and other measures that will be fulfilled by the league. As a safety measure, Denver Broncos implemented Ultraviolet-C (UVC) light. In this way, everybody in the stadium will feel and be safer. The sanitization team has the worthy task of placing the equipment used during the game on the UV sanitization machine. This mechanism disinfects the equipment in just 60 seconds.

Coronaviruses can remain active on quotidian use items for several days, and this represents a potential risk of transmission. Since the pandemic appeared, UV light technology is becoming more and more popular among companies striving to prevent the spread of covid-19.

Many people believe that this light could be harmful to human health, but after thousands of studies, finally, there is confirmation that UVC light is unable to damage the human body or its inside parts.

Nowadays, this tech is used by multiple businesses to improve safety. It is incredible to see how lucky we are to be living in 2020, where we have many tech improvements.

Melannie Cruz

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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