Electric Bikes Might Be the Future

We all love technology because it always makes our lives easier. Today we will be focused on transportation which is an important part of our day-to-day. Tech has completely transformed the transportation sector, by the creation of electric cars, self-driving cars, etc.

Everything looks awesome, but nobody wants the part of spending many hours in your car while going back home. The streets are really crowded in big cities and this problem will always be there and in a few years with the possibility of getting worse. While we imagine our city with just a few cars and clean air without pollution, we all think that this would be a utopic world. Yes, it would be something almost impossible to achieve.

Currently owning a vehicle is not a luxury, but a must. It is not about the car we drive, but we do it to transport ourselves and our family from Point A to Point B.

What if our city environment was not full of cars?

Maybe it would be easier to use public transportation or even a bike for short distances. Using a bike or riding the public transportation would be helpful to the environment. We have the example of developed cities in Europe that provide electric charging points, renewable energy solutions, great bicycle lanes, and applications like Lime and Bird with electrical scooters to make it easier for the citizens to use their bicycles or scooters instead of cars because in those cities owning a car is really expensive. Space is also a big issue. An important factor to always consider is the weather. In cities like Houston, the weather is complicated. The sun might be bright during the whole morning and out of the blue, it will begin to rain. It is a bit difficult to ride a bike or a scooter when raining. A car would be the driest and safest option in this occasion.

But nothing is impossible. What if we find a way to move around our city without always using a car?

You might have already thought about using a bicycle as we already mentioned or even a motorcycle, but the main reason why we do not use bicycles is that they are not as comfortable to use and the limitations in speed. Motorcycle would be more expensive than a regular bike.

What about electric bikes? We have the example of Riese and Muller, a privately owned high-end manufacturers of electric bikes based in Darmstadt, Germany. Their bikes go from €5,000 to €8,500 ($5,639.45 - $9,587.07 USD). These bikes include one or two batteries, molded seat, cargo safe and many other specs that the users will love. These bicycles are strong, fast, and unstoppable. Owning one of those electric bikes also brings you many benefits such as parking for free, and you are improving your health while you keep the environment sustainable and clean.

Using electric bikes instead of cars might be a reality in the future, and again we are thankful for the tech sector and people involved with it.

Melannie Cruz

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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