Environmental technology 2

As part of contributing to sustainable development, it is important to know and promote everything related to Environmental Technology.

Environmental technology, green technology or clean technology is one that is used without damaging the environment, the application of environmental science to conserve the natural environment and resources, and curb the negative impacts of human involvement.

Sustainable development is the core of environmental technologies. When sustainable development is applied as a solution for environmental issues, the solutions have to be socially equitable, economically viable, and environmentally safe.

The main objectives of clean technologies are:

  • Pollution reduction in traditional industry.
  • Technological-environmental renovation in industrial processes.
  • Industrial globalization in the framework of sustainable development.
  • Reintegration of production at your local ecological base.

Some environmental technologies that maintain sustainable development are:

Recycling, water purification, wastewater treatment, environmental improvements, gas treatment, solid waste management, and renewable energy.

We leave you some examples of these clean technologies that are currently in operation and reduce the environmental impact greatly.

Energy saving lamps, with low or no mercury content.

Computer processors, which do not have tin.

Water purification.

Solid waste management.

Refrigerants that do not have CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons, very harmful to the environment).

Use of water courses through the extraction of gentle channels and other managed flow paths.

The intelligent windows, which close practically alone, helping to regulate the temperature and saving energy.

I protect bacteria, designed to generate electricity from contaminants derived from petroleum.

Renewable energy sources.

Solar panels in spray, with nano materials that absorb light very quickly.

Vertical farms, with crops in the form of skyscrapers.

Unleaded gasoline.

Oil free compressors.

General Recycling

Natural gas or methane boilers, instead of diesel.

Air purifying tiles

Ecological concrete

Cleaning of plastics in the ocean

Cold pavement

Buildings "eat smog"

Energy harvester in concrete

Sustainable towers

These are just some of the environmental technologies that currently work almost everywhere in the world, if you want to know more about them we recommend you read our post What is the importance of Environmental Technology?

Andrea Leal

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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