How to Properly Sell Your Server Equipment

Recapture maximum value from your used or unwanted server equipment

If it’s time to decommission or upgrade your server equipment, there are a few things to be aware of to ensure that you’re on the right side of the law and data handling procedures and get the most value possible through a buyback process.

Whether you’re utilizing Oracle, IBM, SuperMicro, HP, Dell or other server equipment, keep these tips in mind when selling your server equipment.

Inventory Your Server Equipment

The first step to selling your server equipment is understanding exactly what you have! Not only does this give you a good idea of what needs to be packed and transported, it’s a critical piece for receiving a buyback quote.

For a complete inventory, track the following:

  • Make
  • Model
  • Asset Tag
  • Serial Number
  • Quantity
  • Any damage or defects

Especially if time is of the essence, GreenTek Solutions can handle this inventory, removal and packing process, freeing up your time for other tasks.

Wipe or Destroy All Data

Your server equipment likely contains hundreds of gigabytes or terabytes of sensitive information that, in the wrong hands, can spell disaster for your business, customers and vendors.

Importantly, when selling your server equipment, you should know every move your data makes from the moment it leaves your sight, preventing major liability. This is where a full chain of data custody comes into play, tracking every step of the data handling and destruction process.

GreenTek Solutions offers both on-site and offsite data destruction and hard drive wiping, abiding by all best practices and regulations regarding data handling. Whether you require full destruction with a specialized shredder or thorough hard drive wiping, our team of ITAD experts knows how to ensure your data is never breached.

Properly Dispose of E-Waste

If your server equipment is older or no longer works, it may be considered e-waste and require proper professional disposal. Throwing away server equipment in conventional trash or landfills is a sure way to attract fines, legal fees and reputational damage.

There’s no reason not to properly dispose of e-waste when selling your server equipment. GreenTek Solutions offers safe, certified and legal e-waste disposal, preventing your organization from incurring financial damages or reputational risk.

Get a Buyback Quote For Your Server Equipment

Even if your server equipment and IT assets are a few years old, it likely still has value—and you might be surprised just how much value it has retained! With the GreenTek Solutions buyback process, you get a quick, no-hassle quote for the inventoried server equipment and immediate payment.

And, if it’s time to upgrade your server equipment, GreenTek Solutions also provides quality, guaranteed refurbished assets for purchase.

To discover the value of your server equipment and get a free buyback quote, get in touch here or call 713-590-9720.

Melannie Cruz

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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