How does it recycle my cell phone?

Among the most important benefits of recycling our cell phones are recovering 17 metals, including bronze, copper, aluminum, steel, gold, silver, zinc, bromine, cobalt and barium, which are used to create new electronic devices, jewelry, pipes, dental prostheses and road signs.

The metals contained in cell phones can be reused, if properly recycled, which would reduce the need for the exploitation of new materials. Each state has its own laws for recycling these materials.

Recycling not only preserves these materials, but prevents the contamination of air, water and reduces gas emissions. Saving them at home only causes new materials to be used to produce more cell phones.

An old mobile phone can become toxic waste that pollutes the environment and jeopardize human well-being if not disposed of properly.

Around 95 percent of the cell phone components are recyclable, so selling or reusing their parts not only obtains its own benefit, but the environment is conserved.

Cell phones are constantly improving their technology, which means that the phone you have today may be obsolete tomorrow. When it's time to update or change your cell phone for the latest version of the market, try to recycle your old cell phone and you can even get a reward.

What things can I do with my old mobile phone?

  • Investigate if there is a collection center in your community to leave your cell phones when they are in disuse and send them to recycle.
  • Gather all the cables, batteries and other accessories of your cell phone that you no longer use and consult with your family or friends if anyone needs them.
  • Use it as an alarm clock, set the alarm to sound every morning.
  • Locate your car using your old mobile, having it hidden in the back of your car, knowing your location, something very useful if you do not remember where you have parked or if they steal it.
  • You can use it for emergency calls, to dial 911 you don't need to have a SIM card installed.
  • You can use it as a music player only by installing an application for it.
  • Donate your phone for charity or recycle it for cash.

Reusing, reselling or donating your cell phone helps the environment in many ways so that its elements can create new things.

Andrea Leal

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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