How often we have to clean our PC?

Why do we have to clean it? Mainly, for several reasons which will give us better performance and useful life of our PC.

In first place, to reduce temperatures. It is true that our components are prepared to work at high temperatures, but not constantly. That is, one thing is that we are playing a video game and our processor is at 60 degrees.

When we close the game, it will not be at that temperature, but at about 30 to 40 degrees. This is because the processor sweats when we put it to work. If we do not perform a good maintenance, those temperatures will rise improperly. When we used to load him from work and he went up to 60 degrees, he now goes up to 70º.

Why is this happening?

Dust takes over the fans, clogging them and reducing air flow. This fact causes the fans of the heatsink, the graphics card or the case to not dissipate the heat as they should. It is not possible to expel enough heat from the box and there is a chain effect: performance drop.

Cleaning the PC is necessary to prolong its life. If we do not, the problems will soon appear.

We will give you some tips to guide you on how often you have to clean your computer.

The 6 month rule

It has always been said that you have to clean PC every 6 to 3 months, once a month or once a year.

There are many factors that will lead us to clean it before or after those periods of time.

For example, the cleanliness of the environment or the room in which the computer is located greatly influences. If we live in a dirty place, the computer will pick up dust faster

In case you are in a hygienic place, it will take longer to collect dust.

If the computer is brand new, it is not necessary to clean it once a month, for example. It makes no sense to do so because the fans will be pristine until 3 months or even more pass.

If you find dust in the box, but there is nothing in the components, it is better to use some compressed air to avoid accumulation.

Replace thermal paste annually

Thermal paste is very important when reducing the temperature of the processor or graphics card. Therefore, we recommend replacing the thermal paste once a year to properly maintain our processor.

Andrea Leal

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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