How to Dispose of Your Digital Garbage

In my house we have identified the unnecessary things of the home, we know where we should put everything that is useful and what is to be discarded, but there are things that we do not see, physically, but that cause us stress and delays if we do not eliminate it ... digital garbage

That's right, the annoying digital garbage, are all those files, documents, PowerPoint presentations, PDF’s, photos, music, bits of information here and there, which over time we accumulate rapidly.

If we do not have a good organization system to archive these documents, it will take us a long time to find the file we are looking for, more than the necessary time, this digital garbage makes our task even more difficult, it also takes up a lot of space on our computer and makes Run slower than usual.

Remove applications and programs that you no longer use.

Both on our phones and on our computers, we have applications and programs that we do not use and are only consuming us space and RAM.

Eliminate everything that does not currently work for you, in this way you will eliminate space on your hard drive, phone, Tablet or any device you use, so that it works faster.

Pass the photos from your phone to your computer and delete them from your device, do not let your valuable photos be lost if they steal your cell phone.

Create a folder with the month and year and get in the habit of downloading the photos every month to have a good backup.

After you have your photos on the computer, transfer them to an external hard drive, a USB or upload them to the cloud, which is an online storage unit, where your files will be secure, so you will have them backed up in the In case the computer suffers any failure.

You can also rearrange your phone's applications in folders that contain similar applications, so you can have quick access to them when you need them.

Duplicate Files

In the same way as we eliminate duplicate things in our homes, we should check our files and make sure we don't accumulate doubles of everything, because this hinders the use of your device and makes it more complicated to use.

You can do this process by hand or you can use a tool such as Finder, Duplicate Cleaner or EasyDuplicate, remember to do it periodically, either once a month or every 4 or 5 months.

When saving your files, choose a descriptive name and help you know the information they contain immediately without having to open them, this will save you time when you go looking for something; And remember, before saving a document, check if you already have it so as not to save duplicates.

Organize your contacts

Check your contacts and eliminate all those that are no longer useful to you, for example, the number of the restaurant that closed last year, that of the owner of the apartment you rented 5 years ago, or that of the mechanic you went to before.

Get used to updating the information of your contacts, instead of saving a new number like “John new number” or something like that. If possible, separate your work contacts from personal contacts.

These tips will help you free up a lot of space on your electronic devices, and find what you are looking for in much less time. At first it will take some time, but if you get used to continuous maintenance, you will only have to spend a few minutes, and it will be easier every time.

Andrea Leal

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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