Information Technology Asset Disposition (ITAD)

IT Asset Disposition (ITAD) or “Information Technology Asset Disposition”; this term was built referring to obsolete or unwanted IT equipment, focusing equally in a safe and ecologically disposition manner.

This industry has been working for many years, but it isn’t widely known or understood; there are many companies working in this industry but not all of them are able to provide the same level of service. Here at GreenTek Solutions, we provide various services, such as secure data destruction, hard drive shredding, data erasure, purchasing of IT equipment and environmentally friendly e-waste recycling solutions that contributes to our environment green conservation.

This kind of industry is having a positive impact in our society because a good choice to the ecology issues that our world is facing. When focusing on e-waste, suddenly, everything turns hard to manage, the main reason is that smartphones, computers, TV’S and hardware in general have taken over our lives so quickly; but, have we taken a chance to start thinking about what happens when we don't use them?

IT equipment comprises a multitude of components with valuable materials, but they are also highly dangerous to our environment, some containing toxic substances that can have an adverse impact on human health and the environment too.

At the same time, technological waste is currently taking 5% of global waste; however experts try to fix or repair smartphones, laptops, etc. to give IT equipment a second chance, and basically by this way we avoid the manufacturing of new equipment since, it could be working for a few more years. While this process as a business looks to minimize cost while it maximizes profit, as the main aim it has helping our environment. If your company has old equipment, you must try to dispose of it, while you are helping the environment and recover money back.

If you are still thinking, what can you do to help our planet? Take a chance to look over your devices that you are not actually using or even when it doesn’t work anymore, send us your information and we will give it a second chance.

Andrea Leal

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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