Introducing the 5G technology

5G (fifth generation) is a super-fast internet connection that sounds promising, but what will happen with our privacy and security?

Last year 5G services were deployed across the globe, this new trend is just starting on the market but when all the countries adopt this 5G-innovation. There will be a lot of changes and opportunities for the technology; by this Cisco has estimated that this need technology compared with 4G will generate three times more traffic, while 5G is up to 10 times faster. By this, users might be impressed by how quickly they could download a movie.

People should understand that 5G hardware will be obviously more expensive than 4G. It is necessary to change the equipment and also to understand how it works and how this improvement allows you to support your goals even to single users or to companies.

The introduction of 5G and other complementary technologies will enable IoT services to achieve higher efficiency and optimization; by this, it will be very helpful for industries, such as manufacturing, logistics, and entertainment; by helping businesses to increase their efficiency while reducing costs. Since 5G appeared, many companies such as Huawei, Nokia, and Qualcomm contributed with submission papers, standardization processes, and some other activities in order to be well-positioned in 5G innovation.

The top countries with 5G innovation include few countries such as South Korea, the United Kingdom, Germany, and the United States. The two biggest players in 5G technology are the following:

  • China has an investment of over 11 million on 5G manufacturer jobs. This country is the world’s largest manufacturer and by this reason, by implementing this new technology they will have improvements on the “supplying, manufacturing and distributing” chain. Even with the impact of COVID-19, China has maintained its 5G global leader, and it continues growing by the hand of their three largest telecoms operators which are China Telecom, China Unicom and China Mobile.
  • United States this country is positioned on the top of 5G innovation beside China. It is true that China is the leader in manufacturing, but the U.S. leads in high-tech and patent activity, by innovation in tech companies. In addition, we all know that America is attractive for foreign investment and this makes an important link between countries so they can highly compete with China.

5G revolution promises a lot of things such as fast download speeds, more job opportunities, and economic growth to the country that implements this new technology; although all the benefits are still years away while implementing new complementary technologies.

Melannie Cruz

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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