IoT is consolidated as a lever of digital transformation in our society

The Things Matter 2019 report on the user experience of Internet of Things (IoT) shows a consolidation of this technology in the field of business and a growing interest of private users.

The digital and technological revolution is a reality that has greatly modified our habits of life and, therefore, our behavior to interact, seek or access certain information or improve the efficiency of different processes thanks to automation.

In this environment, Internet of Things (IoT) has arrived to connect objects in order to bring benefits to both private and business users. The IoT is consolidated as a lever for the digital transformation of society and the company as a whole. The penetration of the Internet of Things is increasingly accentuated, observing a growing interest by companies and users to take more and more advantage of the benefits offered by connected objects.

In recent years we have seen how the industry tends more and more to the incorporation of IoT so that its use has matured with the implementation of concrete IoT developments and applications in its processes. In the industry, IoT allows companies to be more agile, competitive and efficient in every way, which entails a reduction in costs and capacity to adapt more dynamically to changes in the sector.

Industries have passed the IoT test phase to enter a new one in which they are increasingly demanding developments and concrete applications of IoT projects and solutions. Precisely this maturity of IoT in industries is one of the main drivers for people, consumers and end users to adopt IoT at a faster rate.

In this sense, one of the most dynamic areas in developing IoT projects and applications in the last period has been that of Smart Cities with the sensorization and measurement devices of different variables (temperature, air quality, transport flow , etc.) or with IoT solutions in relation to the use that people make of public services.

There has been an increase of 66% of users who use IoT with respect to 2017, where the connected car is the typology that stands out, having tripled its presence in the same period of time. In the first generations of connected cars or fleets, efficiency translates into reducing fuel use, reducing pollution and also reducing breakdown times. Safety is also improved, both in driving and unforeseen on the road.

The development and evolution of IoT is absolutely unstoppable, regardless of the sector and the level of technological sophistication in which they are located. To this we must add another data provided by the study and that drives this trend of consolidation and growth: 87% of users who test and accept a solution or connected device declare that they would no longer give up their benefits.

Melannie Cruz

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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