IoT Solutions World Congress - Showing the way to smart connectivity

The IoTSWC this year included Blockchain Solutions World (BSW) and AI & Cognitive Systems Forums (AI & CS), showing new intelligent solutions, processes and services to take advantage of the full potential and value of data in all types of industries and sectors economical

During three intense days of activity, IoTSWC has gathered the offer of 350 exhibitors, including leading companies in the development and implementation of IoT solutions such as Microsoft, SAS, Vodafone, Nutanix, Deloitte, T-Systems, Libelium, Kaspersky, Orange, Siemens, Fiware, Hitachi, Relayr, Thingstream, Zyfra, Emnify, Linux Edge Foundation, Hewlett Packard Enterprise and ARM.

This international reference technology forum has shown real solutions that are already being used successfully in different industrial and productive sectors in order to raise awareness of the possibilities and benefits of IoT based on proven experiences.

Among the prominent names this year, it is worth mentioning the American consultant Joe Barkai, with his particular prospect of what the world will be like, dominated by artificial intelligence in ten years, as well as important managers of both large technology firms and developers of IoT solutions, such as of user companies such as the case of the Hugo Boss CIO, Erkut Ekinci; the McOren Technology Group COO, Jonathan Neale; among other executives of Airbus, Sanitas, Carrefour Group, Daimler Motors, Ibercaja, Roca, SNCF Réseau, Maersk GTD, or Brussels Airport.

IoTSWC has increased sessions focused on analyzing women's leadership in the internet of things ecosystem and discussing why it is crucial to attract diversity and inclusion. The interventions of the equity and diversity expert, Sally Saba, and the executive director of Women in the Boardroom, Sheila Ronning, stand out. Likewise, in this edition, several workshops endorsed by the IIC have also been carried out to deepen aspects of this technology in areas such as connected transport or health, as well as in artificial intelligence.

“IoTSWC has demonstrated one more year that it is the best place to get inspirational ideas and useful professional contacts to draw roadmaps for the digitalization of each company and also to pose challenges, questions and initiatives that help the digitized industry to move forward and learn collaboratively ”. - Richard M. Soley

One of the spaces best valued by visitors has been the Testbeds area (test benches) where a dozen prototypes and IoT-based projects have been exhibited collaboratively by different leading companies.

This year it has been possible to see an autonomous electric car equipped with a cybersecurity system to block attacks; a solution to check gas distribution networks, reducing energy losses and avoiding fraud; a platform that combines IoT, artificial intelligence and 5G to provide predictive medical care and attend emergencies of the elderly or chronically ill; a system to inspect and repair wind farm wind turbines using drones, artificial intelligence and cloud; a system based on digital twins, which precisely guides the steps of the work to be carried out on the Mars expedition; an application for farmers to know the status of their exploitation in real time and facilitate decision making; software based on artificial intelligence for submersible pumps used in oil wells; drones, sensors and blockchain that monitor the water quality of the Volga River; and an application that measures driving habits in real time to update the cost of the insurance policy.

The sixth edition of IoTSWC is scheduled to be held at the Gran Vía de Fira site in Barcelona from October 27 to 29, 2020.

Andrea Leal

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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