IT Trends for 2020 - Part 1 of 4

It is the moment when we talk about the perspectives in the world of cloud and technology for next year. We will talk about some technologies that will develop with speed in the coming months.

From next year the panorama of digital transformation will undergo changes, and the trends that have guided the initiatives of digitalization of organizations are going to leave what can already be considered traditional.

The cloud, perimeter computing, Internet of Things and other emerging technologies will begin to establish, giving way to new innovations that will impact the next steps in the digital era.

In the last year, organizations have made great strides on their path to digitalization, and throughout 2019 concepts that were disruptive until now, such as the cloud, perimeter computing or automation have become relatively common.

Many organizations have already implemented many of these technologies or are in the process of doing so, launching pilot projects in different areas, and their impact is already felt and is being assimilated in large part of their structure, with better or worse results.

There are still problems to overcome such as resistance to change by workers within companies, especially in certain sectors, but a greater awareness that the change to the data age is unstoppable is being implemented, we must adapt to continue going forward.

Although there are challenges to face to overcome the problems of working under the conditions of a new digital paradigm, the advancement of these technologies does not slow down, the following phases of the digital transformation are driven by the new trends that companies are about to discover.

It doesn’t mean that the cloud, AI or the new data and computing architectures will not continue to affect the way companies operate and do their business, but the spearhead of change and innovation is going to move to new areas and technologies, which business leaders must keep in mind if they want to be prepared for what will come next year.

Some technologies, such as 5G, advanced data analytics or artificial intelligence have been making headlines for some time, but they still have a long way to go in the next stages of the digital transformation of organizations.

In the second part of this post we will let you know what are the trends that are presented for the near future.IT Trends for 2020 - Part 2 of 4

Andrea Leal

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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