Monitor Sleep with This Tech Device

Tech is always showing us things that never seem possible. Weeks ago, MIT researchers developed BodyCompass, which is a radiofrequency-based system that monitors sleep.

This new tech tool acts as a personal medical-device, and it attempts to help people with different sleep diseases and to detect stomach sleeping in patients with epilepsy. One of the most common risks in epileptic patients is the unexpected death while sleeping caused mainly by prone sleeping positions. This device fixes patients sleeping postures to prevent this event. This device also contributes to the decreasing vulnerability to bedsores, migraines, and sleep apnea diseases by modifying the sleeping posture.

Different companies from all around the world have already created similar devices that could be helpful in several illnesses’ treatments. They work amazing but being wearable devices, the patients often forget to wear them. If the patient does not forget to wear it, he may feel uncomfortable during the whole night. Not accurate data and battery ending in short periods are also frequent issues with this tech.

In contrast, BodyCompas ensures the user to overcome this issue because this a contactless tech-device, which means that you will not need to wear it. The developers of BodyCompass are updating the device’s specs to let the user track their infants or their own sleep habits soon. They are also trying to develop a tool that sends an alert that can notify sleepers to change their posture to avoid dangerous sleep positions.

Melannie Cruz

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