New robots can sweat

In the 20th century, the development of industrial robots was a boom, and they are constantly changing trying to adapt to human needs in order to take over the duties of dangerous and complex jobs from humans. Those artificially made machines are easier and cheaper to work with and this is what makes them attractive to the industry

It is true that technology innovates every day in order to make our lives easier and talking about robots, they are present almost everywhere in our daily routine.

A couple of days ago, researchers announced an amazing new for Techworld and manufacturing industry, the creation of a new robot which consists in a squishy hand that can cool down by itself when it sweats; yes, this robotic hand actually sweats and this, in order to solve the main issue with robots by keeping a normal temperature even in warm places.

This robotic hand was constructed to grab objects and it was made from 3-D printed hydrogels which can absorb water, and while holding objects, this robotic hand can change the temperature of the water. Each finger has micron-sized pores which expand on warm temperature to excrete liquid and shrink when it is cold. Therefore, the robotic hand is different and even three times more efficient than human perspiration. We can assume that it will not present fails while changing the workplace environment.

You might be asking yourself, where is the amazing in the robotic hand sweating? The answer remains that humans are not able to work on high temperatures because of the risk of dehydration and exhaustion. The same happens with machines, they can resist a little bit more than we as humans can do, but while working on elevated temperature they will stop working. The important part of this innovation is that this robotic hand has an efficient mechanism that lets it “sweat” letting it to cool itself down in order to continue working on its tasks.

Compared to the human body, when we are in a warm environment, our body unconsciously gets cold by sweat which cools the body as it evaporates. This robot works the same way. It’s important to consider that when robot’s tasks require energy, it is more likely to heat up having by these more possibilities of breaking up. This robotic hand was created to handle whit log operating hours and high temperatures without using a fan or air conditioner. It is easier to use and its results could be amazing.

Melannie Cruz

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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