Technology changes the way of life at its best. It has the potential to do many things that years ago looked almost impossible. One of the biggest innovations of technology is the development of Autonomous Vehicle (AV) technology, which has been advancing significantly in recent years. With the development of AV, new cars are becoming artificial intelligence on wheels, making drive experience more comfortable and safer than conventional vehicles do, to reduce issues such as traffic or crashes that might be caused by drugs, alcohol, or fatigue.

Autonomous vehicles will indeed continue transforming the way we work and live while creating safer and more efficient rides. All of this is possible by Artificial Intelligence (AI) which is the tool that brings cars the ability to see, think, and navigate through different scenarios. Today we want you to learn how NVIDIA DRIVE works.


NVIDIA DRIVE is a computer platform created by NVIDIA in order to provide autonomous car and driver assistance functionality. It was first introduced in 2015 at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES).

It is important to mention that NVIDIA leads in self-driving car technology. NVIDIA uses the power of AI and deep learning retrieving data collection, model training, and testing in simulation to bring an end-to-end solution to the machine.


  • NVIDIA DRIVE AGX PEGASUS it is built on two NVIDIA XAVIER processors and two next-generation Tensor Core GPUs. This network is designated to handle autonomous driving carefully; for this, wheels or pedals are not required.

  • NVIDIA DRIVE AGX XAVIER is the path to production for the autonomous vehicle industry, which can fuse data from many different sensors in order to anticipate hazards on the road.

  • NVIDIA DRIVE Hyperion Developer Kit includes a complete sensor suite and AI computing platform for monitoring, visualization and autonomous driving. This developer kit might be used in test vehicles in order to evaluate autonomous driving technology.

  • NVIDIA DRIVE Constellation is the data center solution, which is a cloud-based virtual reality simulation platform that was created as a supporting to the development and validation of autonomous vehicles.

  • NVIDIA DGX Systems were created to give more tools in AI exploration around the cloud.

According to the developing Automated Vehicle ranking report, which is released every year, NVIDIA is ranked in first place, ahead of Intel's mobile eye; This new technology is very important because computer platforms could replace humans at the wheel.

Melannie Cruz

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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