Presidential Election Will Decide the Future of Social Media

The 2020 United States presidential election remains scheduled for November 3, which means that in less than a month, we will know the future of our country for the next couple of years. It is essential to analyze and consider all the changes and challenges that our country will face through the next years according to the elections' results. Both candidates have positives and negatives, but it remains on us to analyze the ideas and desires of each of both candidates, to finally select your favorite.

Our president shared a misinformative speech about the coronavirus risks on his social media accounts. This information was published on his Twitter and Facebook accounts, and under this judgment, both tech companies removed the posts. When our president noticed this fact, he immediately tweeted "Repeal Section 230!!!" on his Twitter account.

We all know that Section 230 is necessary to the social media being liable for the thing people post. Imagine if all the fake news, accusation, and libelous content published on Facebook was the responsibility of Mark Zuckerberg. Things on the internet do not run like that, but our president emphasizes on repealing section 230.

In contrast, the Democrats remain under the idea of ending with dominant platforms from operating as a monopoly. Under this background, we assumed that companies like Google, Twitter, and the big tech companies could not acquire another tech giant. But their idea is centered on social media, so will companies like Apple or Amazon remained safe?

We are all wishing luck fairly for both candidates. And we barely hope that no matter which of them wins, we all want the best for our great America.

Melannie Cruz

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