Racial Inequity in Pandemic Times

The global coronavirus pandemic is still with us almost since 2020 has started. Life has been changing for everyone all around the world, and in addition to this, racial tensions across the country have significantly increased and it is emphasized on Asians and African Americans.

Months ago, President Trump made a reference to the COVID-19 virus using “Chinese Virus” and “Kung Flu” terms. This may have created an anti-Asian sentiment. That was not the only occasion where he has blamed China for the global spread of the virus. In recent conferences the already mentioned terms were also used.

In recent studies, around 49% has affirmed that it is common to express racist comments or views to Asian people since the COVID-19 has started. Black and Asian American groups have expressed their fears while wearing a mask in public places, and this is because they could be viewed disrespectfully by other groups or also suspicious while wearing a face covering. Racial differences are maybe one of the biggest challenges that the society attempts to destroy. We have seen racial discrimination to Black groups in the last months. The fight against discriminations has taken a lot of years, but recently we have seen many people of several groups that are fighting for the same cause.

It is important to recognize the people who have made efforts to support this movement. Mandy Bowman, after learning and investigating the dark scenes in history for Black Americans, she founded the Black Wall Street which is a platform that promotes the thousands of Black-owned business in 10 countries worldwide (#BuyBlack movement). The list of business and the movement were both growing quickly. In 2017 an app was launched where almost all kind of stuff was available to the customers.

It is amazing to see how tech always helps people to complete their tasks easily, this time the movement against racial inequity has significant growth thanks to technology, and also thanks to these people who finds the way to support equity among groups. Buying black should be normal and common to all of the people in our community, so if you are about to buy something like makeup, clothes, food, etc. you can support the #BuyBlack movement, look for the app and join to the fight against discrimination.

Melannie Cruz

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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