Recycling e-waste could provide more jobs

People enjoy technology’s benefits daily but not all of us care about the big impact of e-waste on the environment.

Every year thousands of brands launch new tech devices and equipment. Users are always looking to upgrade their old devices by purchasing the new model. This causes a dilemma for a user on what to do with the old unit that is no longer used. It is something sad to see that even when IT Equipment is almost in general designed to have a long-lasting life, the users throw away their “old” equipment. I make a big emphasis here because 1 or 2 years do not turn your equipment into something old.

Let us provide an example: each year in New Zealand around 80,000 tons of e-waste is directly sent into landfills. This number is not an exaggeration and talking about the many chemicals and toxic parts that IT equipment has; this represents a huge amount of pollution that for sure will affect our environment. The entire process of moving and managing the 80,000 tons of electronic waste would be providing only 50 jobs. If instead of throwing to the landfill, e-waste goes through recycling, refurbishing, reclaiming, and on-selling products process, the amount of providing jobs will be over 6,400.

It is amazing to see how things could drastically change when people decide to recycle. If you are about to buy the new iPhone 12 or the new Galaxy S20, do not throw away your cellphone, your old laptop, computer, TV, or iPad. Instead of contributing to the growth of e-waste, donate or sell your equipment. There are many companies all around the world that work under the recycling process of IT equipment.

You can contact us, at GreenTek LLC. We work under legal regulations, this to you be sure that your equipment will be properly managed. Contact us at 713-590-9720 or

Melannie Cruz

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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