Reliable recycling centers

As electronic waste grows day by day, the effective need to recycle it increases. Recycling is a great way to conserve materials and natural resources. While recycling is important, it is also important to know if you are recycling it safely and correctly. These are some electronic recycling centers you can trust:

American Recycling: (AAR)

AAR has 25 years of experience in the field of recycling. Their service team is highly trained in working with all kinds of materials that arrive, including televisions and electronic items in the safest way possible. With a multi-faceted recycling center, they offer extraordinary recycling services to municipalities, businesses, and schools. AAR recycles everything they receive and works strictly with suppliers that comply with recycling laws and regulations. On the other hand, this team specializes in altering and remodeling obsolete electronics in the reconditioned use of the product for other devices.

National Electronic Recycling Center

The national electronic recycling center is a non-profit company that began with the intention of developing and improving the national infrastructure for electronic waste recycling in the United States. They are responsible for collecting and recycling all electronic devices used in the country and join pilot projects to spread awareness and advance electronic recycling. Therefore, through its individual administration, it helps reduce the government burden on electronic recycling systems.

GreenTek Solutions LLC

GreenTek Solutions, LLC is one of the leaders in pricing to buy and sell new and used IT equipment throughout the United States, based in Houston Texas, and with many years of experience in the field of IT Asset Disposal (ITAD ) and has the best certifications in the industry to offer impeccable and high quality services.

GreenTek Solutions LLC buys and sells IT equipment to companies that are moving or want to remove their old or obsolete equipment.

With CITAD certified employees, GREENTEK SOLUTIONS LLC offers to mitigate the risks associated with improper disposal of IT assets.

GreenTek Solutions, LLC is socially and environmentally responsible. It also offers a wide catalog of high quality refurbished equipment.


eRecure is a private company that obtains final or lease resources from leasing, substitute companies and abundance of IT providers and abundance equipment from government and blue-chip corporations. Their certified experts are standardized in the disposal of electronic waste in an environmentally friendly way. They provide a genuine and large-scale supply chain to their network of global buyers. eRecure guarantees that your customer obtains the highest economic value for willing IT assets.

LG Recycling

LG joins all major waste management organizations and provides a specialized electronic waste recovery and recycling service that meets the needs and requirements of the local population and establishes regulations on electronic waste. LG has made remarkable progress in electronic recycling in the US and strives to make a difference in the concept of waste management.

Andrea Leal

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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