Send Disappearing Messages on WhatsApp

Aiming to be more competitive against Instagram Direct, Telegram, and Snapchat, days ago, WhatsApp implemented its new “Disappearing Messages” feature.

Do you remember the old Snapchat? This social media platform grew popular between teens and young adults years ago. Their software had beauty filters before Instagram did, so everybody was using Snapchat to look impressive in selfies. I think we can all agree that Snapchat best feature remains on the automatically-erase of the chats.

Years later, Instagram launched its popular beauty filters and the option of sending photos via Direct Message that disappear once opened. This excellent duo attracted user’s attention, and many of them skipped Snapchat and start using Instagram.

Used by more than 2 billion users from all around the world, WhatsApp is one of the most popular social media/messaging platforms. The Facebook group is so focused on its user’s privacy and safety. Under this goal, WhatsApp had recently improved its end-to-end encryption feature, which makes it harder to hack conversations. Privacy is a must while we are on social media. The arrival of “Disappearing Messages” on WhatsApp lets users pick the option of automatically erasing their chats every seven days. Just like in the ring movie, you have seven days to do whatever you want, and then everything will suddenly disappear. WhatsApp will also launch a storage management tool that shows its users what information stays stored on their phones and what remains deleted.

Disappearing Messages is an excellent feature for users because sometimes we want our conversation to stay private for our safety or just because we do not desire to split data. Since November 11, this update is being rolled out globally across Android and iOS devices.

Melannie Cruz

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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