Six risks can jeopardize your company's brand in 2020

Cybersecurity is literally an endless struggle, where industry experts constantly try to overcome the dangers of hackers and viruses. According to IRM Security, ransomware is frequently used to attack small and medium businesses.

It is estimated that 93 percent of malware attacks started in a malicious email and that mobile platforms will be the biggest vulnerability to cybersecurity in the coming years.

From the beginning of the internet, cybersecurity is something that should be crucial for all companies, especially because the digital dangers are bigger than ever.

High-level companies have had serious errors that violate the integrity of the users, however they still do not seem to understand the seriousness of the problem.

According to the CNBC, there are more than three million vacant positions in cybersecurity worldwide. In Varonis figures, only five percent of the brands actually have adequate protection. The challenges will continue to worsen in the course of 2020.

GM Security Technologies proposes six major challenges that will put brands in check this year and are the following:

Employees: The weakest link.

Another important labor trend is the outsourcing of work platforms. That is, there will be few companies that do not use cloud computing or similar services in good part, or all, of their operation. This means that the best way to attack a company is directly through the collaborators and their devices. In this regard, it will be crucial that the cybersecurity of computers and workstations of personnel be reinforced.

Mobile devices: Cybersecurity vulnerabilities.

The tendency to always be connected by means of work tools installed on tablets, phones, laptops, etc. of employees is what exposes companies to malicious attacks from abroad by 2020.

Mass Phishing

Identity theft remains one of the most difficult challenges to overcome in the technological environment. Companies must invest in sophisticated systems to protect their data and operations, as well as training for employees to instill good practices of the personal internet.

IA: A technology that should be used with caution.

The advantages of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for business are very well known but even without a thorough knowledge of these systems it can create cybersecurity failures capable of costing the company or business a lot of money.

Governments and public institutions.

Not only for-profit organizations have to invest in these types of projects. In fact, it is more urgent that public and state agents reinforce all their online protection systems. Today, they are the ones that are most behind in good practices and in the implementation of advanced software. So they are also the weakest link in the chain.

Financial system: Digitalization to prevent fraud and theft

One of the industries that has always been affected by cybersecurity gaps is banking and financial services. However, in 2020, companies in the sector will have the opportunity to move their businesses to digital platforms, this change will mean that users will be safer than when they loaded plastic cards.

Andrea Leal

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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