Smartphones and the Internet of things have an increase in malware attacks

The malware aimed at mobile devices has not stopped growing year after year, while users keep their mobile phones without any protection.

In addition, the attacks are now targeting the Internet of things, a sector that has a very low level of security for all the private information it processes.

Smartphones have long since ceased to be simple phones to become authentic HUBs where all the information of their user is concentrated, from the photos of the Christmas party to access to all banking apps, emails and even your location of the last years.

You really are not always aware of the huge amount of personal and private information that is carried on the mobile and users tend to frivolize with the issue claiming that their data is of no interest to anyone.

That is the first big mistake since you underestimate your data, if your data you think are worthless for the attackers, the number of malware detected in 2018 would not have grown by 40%.

The European security company ESET warns about the proliferation of malware threats directed towards smartphones, and a notable increase in the vulnerabilities detected in connected devices and the Internet of things.

Mobile phones are a real candy for cybercriminals because of the possibilities of accessing all kinds of user information it offers.

Many say that if you do not install apps from unknown sources or do not browse suspicious pages there is no risk. Unfortunately that is the second big mistake.

Current malware attacks are much more sophisticated and silent than they were just a couple of years ago.

Therefore, having a security tool installed on the smartphone is an increasingly necessary protection measure.

In addition to malware attacks, for which the only real protection is to have a security app installed on your smartphone, tablet or mobile device, there is also the threat of device theft.

In that case, the offender can have direct access to the device, so having activated fingerprint access systems that currently incorporate most mobile phones and even laptops will be an important retaining wall to prevent them from accessing information that contains

In the case of smartphones and tablets, there are security systems that enable the Proactive Anti-Theft function, which identifies when the device is not being used by its owner and shields private information by strengthening access blocking systems, protecting user photos and sending its position to the owner.

Andrea Leal

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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