Take care of your old charger and headphones

Apple has announced their new iPhone 12 in the recent days. One of the major news is that accessories are no longer included in the iPhone box.

This fact looks like a modern version of “batteries not included”. It suddenly came to my mind those days when we were kids, and while opening Christmas presents, we realized that the toy or device did not include batteries. At that time, fast home delivery did not exist, so we used to wait until the next day for our father or mother to go and buy us batteries. Oh, how far tech has taken us. Now, we have Amazon, eBay, etc. to ensure fast delivery the entire day.

First, it was "batteries not included", and then we grew up to look "the charger not included" in the iPhone box. Maybe EarPods were not necessary, considering that air pods became successful and popular. The lack of a charger is such a controversial fact among users because they will not want to pay for something that was supposed to be included.

Why would Apple do that?

Its team has already explained that this decision was taken under the goal of reducing the environmental impact of electronic waste, furthermore to reduce the package size because it will let more boxes to store on pallets and the number of shipping will decrease. The company previously mentioned that most users might have a charger if this is not the first iPhone they buy.

Competition always takes advantage of their competitor’s mistakes. Days ago, Samsung published a message on its Twitter account, and it was to promote all of the benefits of owning one of its smartphones, such as the best battery, screen, camera, and the “controversial charger”. Samsung has the advantage regarding the charger issue.

What do you think?

Recently, Apple reduced the price of the accessories that are not included beside the new iPhone. But even with it, just as many users, I believe that if users do not own a charger, the company should provide one for free. It is fair for the user, the company, and the environment.

Melannie Cruz

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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