Technology vs. Coronavirus

Our world is always changing, and by this, we can realize that technology drives our daily lives; tied to progress and innovation, it became very useful to society and human life.

The COVID-19 viral outbreak, which began in China, continues to spread all around the world, and by this, experts have been using many alternatives; from algorithms that inform where is the virus located to bots trying to analyze coronavirus.

Fortunately, we have robotic medicine which may be the weapon the world needs to combat the coronavirus while using many robots helping us to fight against COVID-19. Basically, those robots are helping doctors, scientific, tech companies and some others, to fight against COVID, by doing this they can save time and efforts, but mainly they protect themselves from the virus.

Here we made a list of the most popular technologies that appeared to help the fight against this epidemic:

  • THOR-1

It is used in Wuhan to disinfect places where the virus has been dangerous.

  • KSUM's robots:
    1. Distributing masks, hand sanitizer and napkins in a bid to check the coronavirus.
    2. Showing details on their screens about the coronavirus disease.

  • UVD Robots

Mostly used in China, they work in some hospitals, using UV disinfection lamps to exterminate viruses, bacteria and other dangerous organisms; actually, those robots are an effective method to lower infection used in more than 40 countries including the United States.

  • Self-driving vehicles

Again, in Wuhan, they are using those self-driving cars to deliver medicine and food to patients that are currently in quarantine outside medical centers.

  • BeamPro

Alexandria Hospital located in Singapore; patients are attended by doctors in a semi face-to-face way through this robot, and by doing this, doctors can help more people located in other medical centers.

  • CloudMinds

Wuhan Sportif center was conditioned in order to help more patients, it is totally attended by robots who deliver food and medicines, they also clean surfaces to keep it safe from virus.

  • Mass Transit Railway (MTR) deep-cleaning robots

Used in Hong Kong’s subway, where they transport millions of passengers every day; robots are shaped like a little fridge on wheels, sprays hydrogen peroxide solution in order to disinfect the subway.

  • Sarasota Memorial Hospital robots

At Sarasota hospitals they also placed some disinfecting robots, to help cleaning isolated areas where patients with COVID-19 are being treated. This process also uses hydrogen peroxide but serves an extra disinfecting layer that makes the process more than 99% effective.

Also, in social media, big companies, such as Facebook, Google, and Twitter have been implementing the use of bots to fight and prevent fake news associated with COVID, in order to avoid chaos.

Melannie Cruz

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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