Technology’s fight against coronavirus

A new virus, named “coronavirus” emerged last December in China; it remains as something uncertain, but over 31,000 people have already contracted this virus, and 630 people have died.

As the coronavirus continues to spread and claim victims, new healthcare technologies are being implemented to fight against the COVID-19 (coronavirus) in China while using disinfecting robots, facial recognition software, electronic tags to monitor people under home quarantine, the usage of drones to detect if anyone has a fever months and also mobile phones have emerged as a key tool to track the spread of the coronavirus.

Alibaba runs some of China’s biggest e-commerce platforms, and they created and developed a new algorithm, named Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a machine used to detect coronavirus disease outbreaks as well as their spread. This system was trained on data and images of confirmed coronavirus cases and has been already tested in Chinese hospitals. It has a new rival, named “Ping An” that was recently announced, it is also very similar to “AI”.

Also Baidu, which is the largest search engine, has also developed AI capabilities in its new algorithm that is called “Liner Fold”, it works for epidemic control centers, research institutions globally and free gene testing; by this, the purpose is to help specialists understanding genetic makeup of the coronavirus.

Tencent, which is a video gaming company, runs “WeChat”, which is like WhatsApp, but a little more popular in China; it has been helping with providing health consultation services through the same platform.

It is better to have more than 1 system because they can work simultaneously to get a more certain result and finally end with this issue, to prevent a pandemic. Thankfully to technology, if all goes well, researchers may run the first test of a new vaccine in 12 to 18 months.

Melannie Cruz

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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