The Woman Who Sold Stolen Merchandise on eBay

A 63-year-old shoplifted goods for almost 19 years to finally sell the stolen goods via eBay. Under this process she earned 3.8 million dollars. Kim Richardson is the name of this professional shoplifter, who used to live and operate directly from Dallas, TX.

She obtained, or well, she shoplifted the merchandise directly from retail stores while she was traveling across the country. Just like the professional shoplifters in the movies, this woman used tech tools to disable the stores’ security devices and then she just placed the stolen merchandise on her big black handbag.

Her process of stealing merchandise looks easy, but what seems funny is that she did not even pay for the stuff, and additionally, the stolen merchandise was put up for sale on eBay.

Houston- Richardson alleged guilty in December of last year, sentenced to pay three years of supervised release, and the return of the same estimated amount of $3.8 million stolen on merchandise.

This crime story is encouraging us to search and analyze if the stuff that we are buying on the internet has been legally managed. I am still wondering if I ever brought stolen merchandise from this woman on the big eBay. It is almost impossible to identify every single victim of this woman, because of its four different eBay accounts and the long period of shoplifting.

Be aware of what you purchase on eBay!

Melannie Cruz

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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