The Future, Business Adapting to Digital and Green Strategies

In the past, our whole life powered by tech looked like it was not possible. Look at our lives now. We complete our routine completely by using technology. Now, as we had seen in cartoons and movies self-driving cars, robots, smartwatches, video calls and a lot of tech tools are just something that became normal.

Many businesses are completely struggling with almost the entire world quarantines as a prevention to the COVID-19. Businesses were forced to jump into a fully digital world literally overnight. This places us in an adapt-or-die moment, leading a lot of space for innovators.

As the years go by, talking about the business sector, many offices are already becoming smarter with sensors that control functions like light and heat also became digital while offering online sales. Digital transformation will look different for every company because not all the companies integrate many technology tools.

If you do not adapt to a fully digital model, your company is likely to disappear in the next years. Directors and managers don't think of digital as central to their business because in the past it was not. Since customers adopted digital tools to their lives, now they prefer to buy their products online because it is easier and faster than going to the store and buy products.

Your company must adapt to the digital environment but also, we may be conscious that many industries damage the world, and to solve this issue many businesses have taken the “green” approach. This could be achieved through donations, business practices, and manufacturing methods.

The next 10 years will be crucial to turn your business digital and implement green values. At the time 74% of business executives say their company has a strategy and only 15% believe that their company has the skills and capabilities to execute that strategy. So, in the future your business must implement tech tools like web pages or apps and adapting to green values will make your company more attractive and competitive to customers’ eyes. For example, many people buy products from Amazon or eBay, and mainly during the quarantine, we have the evidence of their increasing sales..

Melannie Cruz

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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