The Internet of Things comes to trade

Consumers are currently more informed, and it is this information that makes them more demanding. The 21st century consumer wants to continue shopping as he has always done but with the advantages of electronic commerce.

This phenomenon has led the Retail sector to implement new technologies in its physical stores so that the purchase is not only a purchase in itself, but also a true customer experience. This concept is what is known as O2O, that is, online to offline.

Nowadays it is possible to have intelligent fitting rooms that, for example, offer us information about what clothes in the store combine with the chosen press.

Thanks to IoT solutions, the smart store obtains real-time data that allows you to know the tastes, needs and habits of the consumer and thus predict their behavior.

The customer profile obtained from that data, combined with the analysis of peripheral data, such as the number of products in stock or existing promotions, allows the smart store to configure the best offer for that particular customer, and in that precise instant.

This is just one example of the many possibilities that IoT offers in commerce or retail. The current trend is to implement technologies that help the digitalization of trade in two areas: in the “backroom” with solutions aimed at making logistics more efficient and developing internal processes, and in the retail space to deepen knowledge of the patterns of behavior of the final consumer within the store, in order to make a personalized offer and communication, as well as expedite the purchase procedures.

Today we seek to make the most of contact with the client and not lose business opportunities during your visit. The more data on the behavior of customers within the store are obtained over time, it is possible to establish an increasingly personalized relationship to be able to "talk" with each of them about what may really interest you.

The commitment to IoT is a reality that remains stable in recent years in large stores and stores and even the data indicate an upward trend.

Interest in smart stores has increased by 16% in the last two years, having detected that the market is potentially increasingly sensitive to the benefits of connected purchases in physical commerce.

In this way, the retail sector has adapted to the convulsive change of new technologies to anticipate the purchases of 2.0. Without going any further, Amazon, the giant of e-commerce and cloud computing services, created AmazonGo the first semi-automated store that has caused a great fury in Seattle.

Andrea Leal

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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