The programming languages for IoT, to devote to programming

If you plan to be a programmer, and want to dedicate yourself to these types of devices, it is important that you know which are the most popular programming languages in this regard.

It is important that you know which are the most popular programming languages for the Internet of Things (IoT), something that will clarify what to study if you want to dedicate yourself to this niche market.

The Internet of Things gives life to a multitude of devices that we have in our home, such as thermostats, smart blinds, the lights that illuminate our home and many other devices.

So to make a living programming for IoT, you will have to specialize in a series of specific programming languages, which are as follows.

According to a survey of different developers of the Internet of Things, included in a report, we know which are the most popular programming languages in this niche in 2019. The report classifies the development of the IoT into three large segments such as the Restricted devices, gateways / nodes and the cloud.

With regard to restricted devices, the one that dominates is the programming language C and also C ++, known for their portability and present in most microcontrollers for this type of devices.

Speaking of gateways / nodes, we see that in the first place it is more used Java Embedded that offers multiple advantages with a strong availability of resources and a lower support cost.

Finally, in the cloud segment for the Internet of Things, there is first Java Embedded and then JavaScript.

In these last two segments you can see that despite the popularity of Python, it still fails to be the dominant language in these niche markets.

So you already know the types of programming language that are being a trend for IoT and if what you are thinking about is dedicating yourself to this you already have a small map to learn.

Andrea Leal

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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