The recycling centers

Recycling centers are facilities where different kinds of materials are processed to reuse them. The materials that are handled in these recycling centers are very varied and depends on what is demanded more and the capacity of the plant.

In this world where we generate millions of tons of waste every day, the importance of recycling plants and the work they do is vital for the care of the environment.

What is done at the Recycling Center?

Citizens begin the process by depositing containers that we will no longer use in containers.

Subsequently, the collection service transports them to the recycling plants where the waste is converted into a new raw material and new products are manufactured giving them another life.

When the contents of the containers reach the recycling plants, they are poured onto a conveyor belt to carry out their classification.

Once all the classified and clean merchandise is ready to begin the recycling process.

In the recycling process the different materials are crushed, fused or converted into paste for conversion into new objects and products.

The glass can be melted into new objects, but there are also plants where the bottles are recovered by sterilization for reuse.

Plastic, metal and paper are crushed to give them a new life.

In order for materials to be recycled, everyone's collaboration is necessary. Recycling is not an extraordinary effort, we just have to separate the waste and throw it into the corresponding containers.

We must also recycle the oil, more and more cities are incorporating containers for collection. But in addition to recycling another good way to collaborate with the environment is reuse and responsible consumption.

Caring for our Planet is something we should all collaborate on.

Andrea Leal

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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