The use of IoT will increase by 67 percent in just two years

Maybe there is someone who does not know what Internet of Things (IoT) is but surely uses it in their day to day. We talk about connecting objects to make life easier for companies and people. For example, smart watches connected in turn with our phone, smart televisions that allow us to consume content from different platforms or the security system of a home that alerts us directly if someone enters the house.

And even interconnected companies that have online tools that streamline their work processes. Their connection to the network allows them to interact without any person intervening in the process.

This type of technology has been applied only a few years, but its use grows more and more, entering our lives, in companies and in the industry. Hence the importance of analyzing your application in different environments.

One of the first data that attracts attention is the increase in consumers using connected devices. Regarding 2017, this figure has increased by 67%. On the other hand, it is worth noting that 87% of surveyed users say they would no longer give up the benefits of IoT.

The IoT has a great weight in companies and industries, it is an unstoppable trend, regardless of the sector we are talking about and even the technological level they use. Internet of Things is increasingly weighing on industries, who are already looking for concrete solutions for their projects and sectors.

One of the great advantages of IoT, is to have a WiFi network inside a vehicle. But one of the great advances is the increase in driving safety, as the vehicle informs the driver of its speed, the environment, the condition of the car and the risk of breakdowns, possible road hazards, improves driving, etc. . All advantages that make getting behind the wheel even more pleasant. Hence its presence has tripled in two years. Six out of ten connected car drivers would not accept a car without that functionality.

Connected cities are now a reality

When talking about Smart Cities or connected cities we talk about sensors distributed in different areas and services of the cities that perform different measurements, thanks to which we can have data that improves our day to day. Measurements ranging from temperature, air quality, rainfall level, transport flow, traffic and road conditions, etc.

The car-sharing of electric vehicles is another example of how the city is benefited by IoT, since in the big cities we talk about a gigantic fleet of this type of cars made available to citizens, who can rent them in minutes , pay directly with the mobile, can assess the condition of the car, open an incident, etc. Three out of four car-sharing users would continue to use that service.

Another point in favor of IoT is the apps to look for parking in the city since they are the ones that have obtained the greatest fidelity among citizens.

Internet Of Things is already a reality and has arrived to stay, both in our homes, as jobs, as in the streets and even transport.

Andrea Leal

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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