Threat or solution? Biometric Security

The authentication we use to prevent intruders in our accounts is, in short, the main barrier that protects us from external threats. Now, it should be noted that today we can log in through methods other than a simple key.

Is biometric security really safe or has vulnerabilities?

Why is it important to protect all our accounts?

Internet security is very important for us, since in each of our accounts that we have to access the network we have certain data that can compromise our privacy.

Having good security when accessing is an essential and basic step to avoid intruders that may jeopardize the operation of our devices and our privacy.

We have a large number of accounts and records to control. Any social network, online service we use, page where we have to register ... For all this we will have to use passwords or methods to log in and thus avoid the entry of possible intruders.

A good password must contain letters (upper and lower case), numbers and other special characters. All this randomly and being a unique key will give us more security guarantees.

However, traditional passwords have gradually given way to what is known as biometric security. By this we refer to the methods we have to log in through the fingerprint, eyes, facial recognition, etc. It gives us greater comfort in many cases. But how safe are these methods?

Biometric Security Issues

After all, our fingerprint is unique, facial recognition systems must be safe, etc. However, this is not always a guarantee that everything works correctly. There are no guarantees of real and complete security. As in almost everything we can find vulnerabilities and problems.

Generally a biometric security system will consist of three parts: sensor, device (computer, mobile ...) and software. In each of these parts, vulnerabilities or problems that compromise security may appear when logging in. A series of inconveniences that can frustrate the proper functioning of the devices and put our privacy and even our personal safety at risk.

In the case of the sensor, we have an electrical device that will record our information and will read it when needed. However, that fingerprint, that information of ours, could be duplicated by a cybercriminal. In this way, he could fool that sensor to make us believe that we are the legitimate users who want to access a platform or equipment.

The second part is the equipment that stores that information. This can be a computer or a mobile device among others, that data that is stored in a biometric database, is really a set of data that can be violated at any time.

The main problem is that we cannot change our fingerprint, for example. If the password is stolen we can always change it. What happens if our facial recognition or fingerprint data is stolen?

Finally, the third part is the software. It is what connects the hardware, the device we use, with the sensor. A hacker could provide a fake biometric sample to a sensor through attacks and modifying the software.

In short, although biometric security has advanced a lot in the coming years and everything indicates that in the short and medium term it will be increasingly present, the truth is that we are not facing infallible methods to protect our records.

It is important to keep in mind the importance of always preserving the security of our devices and maintaining privacy, but even if we use biometric login methods we may suffer different types of attacks and vulnerabilities.

Andrea Leal

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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