VPN: what is it and why should we use it?

Most activities carried out today have an online version; shopping, leisure, love, business, social networks ... Data from hundreds of thousands of users are on the network and there is hardly any information on how they are managed.

Data protection is an issue that is increasingly worrying, as the world of technology is advancing enormously and new tools such as VPNs (Virtual Private Network) that guarantee this security emerge.

These acronyms are synonymous with protection, but also freedom for the user. Until very recently they were only used by companies that wanted to protect their data, but more and more individuals are choosing VPN.

It is a new system that encrypts navigation as a camouflage. This technology has its own servers that mask the IP of the browser itself, making it impossible to track identity.

All of them are tools that offer a stronger and more secure internet connection, guaranteeing total anonymity. In addition, it has a sophisticated security system that alerts the user if the connection is interrupted for any reason. That way you can know the security level at any time.

User confidence will increase if you have a system with these characteristics.

VPNs use an infallible system that prevents computer attacks, misuse of data or appropriation of information, among other security mechanisms. They also allow access to portals and websites around the world avoiding censorship and data protection.

Many security systems are used on the Internet, but finding one that responds to the appropriate quality and price variables is not easy.

When using Wi-Fi networks, there is an exposure to being attacked by cyber pirates who use these points to get data from their victims.

This encryption tunnel prevents possible pirate attacks or misuse by third parties of the data used and, although it may not seem important, anonymity is essential is aspects that go beyond security.

Although one of the most important advantages offered by VPNs is user security, we must bear in mind that thanks to this invisibility you can access many more options.

There are countries where governments themselves censor certain content that thanks to the VPN can be mocked.

The great advantage that VPNs offer to the average user is the guarantee of being able to get everything on the network in fair conditions. A film premiere, unpublished series in your country, protected documents or actual purchase prices of the country of origin are some examples of this.

Andrea Leal

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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