What causes computer security threats?

Since the consolidation of the Internet as a means of global interconnection, security incidents related to computer systems have been increasing alarmingly. This fact is causing a growing need to implement protection mechanisms that minimize the risks associated with security incidents.

It can be defined as a threat to any element or action capable of attacking the security of information.

Threats arise from the existence of vulnerabilities, that is to say that a threat can only exist if there is a vulnerability that can be exploited, and regardless of whether or not the security of an information system is compromised.

What is Risk, Threat and Vulnerability?

Risk is defined as the combination of the probability of an event and its negative consequences. The factors that compose it are the threat and vulnerability.

Threat is the dangerous condition that can cause impacts on the property or health of the human being, which is determined based on the intensity and frequency.

Vulnerability are the characteristics and circumstances of a community, system or else that make them susceptible to the harmful effects of a threat.

What implications can a computer threat have?

Now, putting ourselves in this context, let's imagine a vulnerability in army facilities, where there are Nuecleares rockets ...

The "all connected " implies the "all vulnerable of being attacked”. To the extent that a country's critical infrastructure is connected to the network, they are more likely to be attacked. For example, the Stuxnet virus, which created American intelligence, affected Iranian nuclear facilities.

In the DEF CON conference of the summer of 2013, which brought together hackers from around the world, it was shown that it is possible to access connected car systems and those of houses in the same way.

If the systems are vulnerable to being attacked by third parties, it means that they can also be controlled.

Smartcities will be the consequence of the implementation of intelligent systems capable of making a city sustainable, in economic and ecological terms. The problem is that these systems can be intrusive and easily violated.

For efficient traffic management, for example, information that citizens' vehicles have to be collected or to protect the city from terrorist attacks, smart camera systems will be deployed and their data will be crossed with information regarding arrests or emergency calls, for example.

In this environment, it should be noted that a computer threat can be very harmful for the entire world, since although machines and devices make our lives lighter and in the case of companies more productive, being subject to an attack can reach be very harmful, depending on the type of attack, where it is generated and what consequences it may have.

Andrea Leal

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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