What is a server and what is it for?

The best way to understand what a server is, is to see it linked to the concept of computer networks. A server is a computer designed to process requests and deliver data to other computers that we might call clients. This can be done through a local network or through the Internet.

A server is usually configured with additional processing capacity, memory and storage space to be able to manage the load of serving customers well.

These are the most common types of servers we use daily:

  • Web servers.
  • Proxy Servers
  • FTP servers.
  • Online game servers

Numerous systems on the Internet use the client-server network model, including websites and email services. An alternative model to the client-server is the peer-to-peer. The peer-to-peer allows all devices on a network to function as both server and client, as necessary.

Many people mistakenly believe that a server is not different from a typical desktop computer.

But this is not correct. Although almost any computer that meets the minimum hardware requirements can run a server operating system, this alone does not make a desktop computer a true server.

The technology behind a server is designed for different purposes.

A server must manage all network resources. That is why, often, the servers are dedicated computers, which means that they do not perform any other tasks, in addition to the tasks of what a server is.

In addition, since a server is designed to manage, store, send and process data 24 hours a day, it has to be more reliable than a desktop computer and therefore must have a variety of features and hardware that are not commonly used in desktop computers.

If you are looking for a server that can help your company manage all its network resources, we invite you to contact us at GREENTEK SOLUTIONS LLC, to help you find and buy a new/used server.

Andrea Leal

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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