What is cybercrime?

It could be said that cybercrime is that activity which through network (whether public or private) or t a computer system “aims to address the confidentiality, integrity and availability of computer systems, networks and the data, as well as the fraudulent use of such systems, networks and data“.

Cybercrimes include phishing, harassment or fraud.

4 most common cybercrime threats are:

1 - Computer scams.

It consists of carrying out a deceptive activity harming the victim obtaining a profit from her.

The computer scam differs from the normal scam in that acts of deception are directed at computer systems that also produce the consequent deception in the victim.

This cybercrime could be considered as one of the most committed in the world, through emails where the victim is promised a large amount of money in exchange for an income of a certain amount in advance; for example:

This type of cybercrime includes:

- Phishing: which consists in obtaining fraudulent bank passwords in order to transfer money to another bank account. In these cases the jurisprudence has admitted that the responsibility would be of the payment service provider (the bank), unless fraud or gross negligence is appreciated in the victim.

- Carding: which consists of a copy of the victim's credit cards to subsequently make an acquisition of goods with them.

2 - Computer crimes of damage.

Also exist computer crimes that consist in deleting, damaging, deteriorating, making inaccessible, altering or deleting computer data without authorization and also with a burdensome result for the injured party using a computer virus.

3 - Phreaking

"Phreaking," like what happens with other behaviors such as "phishing" or "pharming" , which means manipulating an electronic device for illicit purposes. "Phreaking" is characterized by unliking other behaviors, it is not performed on a computer, but on telephone devices, that are usually mobile phones.

Through these manipulations you can intercept calls, avoid charging a terminal, falsify the identity of the caller and even make calls without the owner of the cell phone wishes.

4 - Cybercrimes against privacy.

The cases in which a person installs software on a certain device, accessing their personal information without the authorization of its owner, are also sounded. He could be charged in this case with a crime of discovery and disclosure of secrets, with penalties that are not minor.

Andrea Leal

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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