What was lifelike before Google?

Life was very different before there were multiple Google services. Before we did things that we don't even remember.

The arrival of the internet in the 80’s revolutionized the way we live, but with Google’s entrance in 1998, many efforts have been added to provide multiple services that make life easier for many people.

Google, besides being a search engine, has many tools little known to increase productivity, learn, or to make our daily life easier.

To refresh your memory and for those who were not yet born, this is what we did before the arrival of Google.

Search in encyclopedias

To solve some school tasks, we went without hesitation to an encyclopedia either in our home or in a public library or in a little more "modern" times we used "Microsoft Encarta". With the arrival of Google, everything is at hand, whatever you look for, however insignificant, is in the company's search engine.

Consult language dictionaries

Before, in order to understand and learn another language, we needed dictionaries in physical book format. It was more complicated because we had to search through endless words. Now, anything you need to search, is at hand with the Google Translator service. Even the Google Assistant virtual assistant can now translate in real time.

We got lost in the streets all the time

Surely on more than one occasion you asked for an address to any pedestrian who was in the area or if you wanted to know how to get somewhere you took a map to trace your destination.

Driving in the city was very complicated if you did not know the main streets or avenues, but now with Google Maps you insert the address you want and ready ... in a matter of seconds a route appears for you to follow it and in real time you can know the estimated time that you It will take you to reach your destination, the level of transit or the alternatives to take public transport.

Call a business

Who does not remember the yellow pages? Well, if this is not the case, I explain to you, previously we used huge books with yellow pages in which we had to search alphabetically for the business we wanted to contact. Now in the same way the search on Google not only gives you the results closer to your location but also provides you with the exact address and the phone number that with a single click communicates you immediately with the business.

Go to a travel agency

Planning vacations before was quite an odyssey. It was necessary to go to a travel agency to know the promotions and dates available, as well as to book flights. With the existence of Google Travel or other online services, it is possible to know the best offers in real time. All this from a mobile device.

If it's that easy now to have all that information, can you imagine what it would be like in the future?

Melannie Cruz

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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