Where are they?

In this 2020, when we all thought that we had seen and lived everything, many people from all around the world are spotting aliens in videos and photos. A UFO Hunter has spotted aliens in a NASA’s photo of the Sun. The search of intelligent life in outer space has been maybe the biggest challenge through the pass of the years. Now we have significant technologic improvements that could help experts to achieve this task.

Possibly the biggest challenge while it comes to extraterrestrial intelligence is “where are they?” This maybe has been also rounding through your mind, as it has been doing in mine, but unfortunately, we do not have the answer at this moment. It is true that as time passes, they are closer to us and sooner than later, they will be in contact with us. There are many theories that affirm that they had been in contact with government and big elites, but this has never been confirmed.

As Enrico Fermi said 70 years ago in his paradox, “Our galaxy seems like it should be teeming with alien civilizations, but we can’t find a single one.” The Milky Way is about 14 billion years old and, do people still think that we are alone? We are not alone; we are just like a little particle of water in a big lake. This means that not only aliens, but many civilizations may exist, and they are also trying to figure out about us and our technology and lifestyle.

NASA has recently awarded a grant that will be helping to find signs of extraterrestrial civilizations via technosignatures. This involves scientific evidence of past and present technology which would indicate if life exists in another star system. Behind the study that said, we are on earth and in our universe the distance away from a suitable star is about 5 billion years. This means that we are not alone in the galaxy, but any possible neighbors are too far away to ever meet.

Researches have recently been calculating the number of civilizations that could be living among the exaggerated number of stars in the universe, and the number is around 36. Maybe they are trying to get in contact with us because they are trying to find a way to produce energy to continue living, or just to stay close, we do not exactly know but I wish that we know soon.

Melannie Cruz

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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