10 Apps to Install and 12 to Remove on Your Android Device

Are you staying home during the pandemic? Coronavirus is still living among us and cases seem to be spiking up again. Many places remain closed, and the rest re-opened their doors, but they continue to operate under many restrictions following CDC guidelines. If you feel unsafe about going to public places, and you own an android device, here we will give you ideas to get a little fun into your stay at home.

What about downloading new apps? This question took me many years back when owning an iPhone, iPod, or iPad was almost exclusively for downloading gaming or social media apps. We want to present ten apps that could help you to have fun at home.

The list of 2020 Android best apps:

  1. Netflix
  2. VLC
  3. Spotify
  4. The Score
  5. Tik Tok
  6. Discord
  7. Telegram
  8. Kindle
  9. NOOK
  10. Nutrition Facts

These apps range from news, entertainment and culinary. During your stay at home, you would be able to still stay informed about what is going on around the world.

We already displayed you the best apps, but now the warning is about 12 apps on the play store that contain the famous Joker malware. The main issue of downloading these apps is the violation of privacy and access to private information. It hits mainly on the phone information, your list of contacts, and your SMS. Unfortunately, if this stolen information ends in the wrong hands, you could start experiencing annoying issues such as emails and messages, including ads and sales information.

The infected apps are:

  1. Blue Scanner
  2. Part Message
  3. Tangram App Lock
  4. Desire Translate
  5. All Good PDF Scanner
  6. Direct Messenger
  7. Style Photo Collage
  8. Private SMS
  9. NOOK
  10. Unique Keyboard
  11. Meticulous Scanner
  12. Paper Doc Scanner
  13. Mint Leaf Message

Recently, the Google support team disabled these apps from the store, but this is everything that they can do to keep their users apart from the joker malware. The rest of the task remains on the users who had downloaded these apps. It is necessary to uninstall them from your device, and that’s it, now you will be free from malware virus.

Melannie Cruz

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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